Oral Cancer Screening – A Life-saving Examination

Oral Cancer Screening – A Life-saving ExaminationCancer is a serious disease. Whether the source is genetic or unhealthy lifestyle, preventing it in the first place is your best defense. According to cancer research UK, there are over a two hundred different types of cancer. Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, designates that a tumour is growing in some part of your mouth, particularly on the surface of the tongue, lips or gums.

Oral cancer affects at least three Australians every day. In spite of advances in treatment, the survival rate for this life-threatening disease remains very low. Dental experts suggest that you must visit your dentist once you notice any unusual changes in your mouth. Your dentist will perform a comprehensive oral health assessment, which includes oral cancer screening.

The Importance and Benefits of A Dental Exam

The Importance and Benefits of A Dental ExamAny medical exams are important to a person’s health, as it is the doctors’ way of inspecting the latest health status of their patients. The same thing about dental exam, your dentist will be able to check for any dental problems you might have for the past few months after your last visit and perform things that will keep your entire mouth healthy.

During a dental exam, your dental team will clean your teeth and inspect for cavities and check signs of gum disease. They will also evaluate your probability of developing other oral health problems, including the inspection of your face, neck and mouth for any oddities. The examination may also involve dental X-rays or other diagnostic procedures. Also, before leaving the office, your dentist will also provide you with helpful instructions on how you can improve your oral health involving your dental care at home, diet and tooth-friendly activities.

The Efficiency of Dental X-rays in Geelong

The Efficiency of Dental X-rays in GeelongDental x-rays provide images that contain valuable information concerning your teeth and gums. It also helps your dentist plan the suitable treatment for any health issues you have.

Though the machines used for dental x-rays involve radiation, the amount of exposure is extremely minimal. Therefore, studies have revealed that dental X-rays are safe for most patients in most conditions.

Why there’s a Need for Dental X-rays

Dentists usually take mouth x-rays for new patients. The procedure may be repeated once every year. Dental X-rays help your dentist classify mouth infections that can’t be identified by oral examination. Through this, your dentist will be able to diagnose and correct teeth problems early. Moreover, dental X-rays can also detect: